Offering expert financial education, resources, and consultation to help you achieve your investment goals. Reach out today and let us help you take your investment strategies to the next level.

Offering expert financial education, resources, and consultation to help you achieve your investment goals. Reach out today and let us help you take your investment strategies to the next level.

Who We Are

Saber Invest, a subsidiary of Globerian Financial LLC, is a financial services company dedicated to helping you build wealth and achieve your investment goals. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Saber Invest offers expert financial education, resources, and consultation. Their products and services are designed to support investors both large and small. People trust Saber Invest to provide the knowledge, experience, and investment strategies they need to reach the next level of wealth building.

Our Specialization


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The Nuts & the Bolts of Investing in Real Estate

The Nuts & the Bolts of Investing in Real Estate

Our eBooks

Handbook for New Landlords Part I

There’s no doubt that real estate has produced some of the world’s wealthiest people. In fact, billionaire Andrew Carnegie an investor himself once claimed that 90% of millionaires made their wealth by investing in real estate.

Handbook for New Landlords Part II

At Globerian Financial, LLC, we believe it. In Part I of this E book series, we explained that real estate investment is one of the most lucrative ways to build long term wealth. In this e book, Part II of the series, we dive into the nuts and bolts of maximizing your income from your investment in rental properties. We explain what to expect when you become a landlord, including the secrets to wisely investing in property upgrades, identifying reliable renters, and seamlessly managing the rental process.

Diversifying Your Investments with Multiple Income Streams

When it comes to investing, the importance of diversification isn’t new. In fact, it’s said that more than 2,000 years ago, a Jewish Rabbi advised: “Keep a third of your money in cash, a third of your money in real estate, and a third of your money in business.” Likewise, in the Bible, it’s stated: “But divide your investments among many places, for you do not know what risks might lie ahead.”

The Benefits of Whole Life Insurance

Life insurance. It’s not necessarily the first thing to come to mind when you think about building your investment strategy. At Globerian Financial, LLC, we believe whole life insurance is one of the most critical tools you can use to build long-term wealth. In this e-book, we dig deeper into the importance of whole life insurance, explaining what it is, why it’s so advantageous, and how you can leverage it to build familial wealth and create a lasting legacy.